Sad news:How to fake it this Vikings season due to….

_How to Fake Enthusiasm for the Vikings Season_


Are you struggling to muster up excitement for the upcoming Vikings season? Do you find yourself feeling meh about the team’s prospects? Fear not, fellow Vikings fan! Here are some tips on how to fake it till you make it:


_1. Focus on individual players_: Instead of worrying about the team’s overall performance, focus on individual players who show promise, like J.J. McCarthy or Justin Jefferson.


_2. Emphasize the underdog story_: The Vikings are often seen as underdogs, so lean into that narrative! Cheer on the team as they defy expectations and pull off upsets.


_3. Find solace in the draft_: If the season isn’t going well, take comfort in the fact that the Vikings will have a high draft pick next year.


_4. Blame the refs_: When all else fails, blame the referees! It’s a classic move that never goes out of style.


_5. Fake it with friends_: Surround yourself with fellow Vikings fans who share your lack of enthusiasm. Together, you can pretend to be excited and make it through the season.


_6. Focus on the tailgating_: Let’s be real, the tailgating is often the best part of the game. Focus on the food, drinks, and camaraderie, and try to forget about the actual game.


Remember, it’s okay to not be okay with the Vikings’ season. But with these tips, you can fake it till you make it and survive another year of football fandom. Skol Vikings!

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