June 29, 2024

NY Islanders Have Officially Signed in a new Star Worth $70 million To Replace Casey Cizikas on a…

The NY Islanders will have to make decisions on March 8th after the trade deadline. While we await Lou Lamoriello’s decision to buy, sell or clap at the deadline, it has become clear to fans that the roster needs some tweaking. Patrick Roy began the process by shuffling the lineup for Monday’s game against the Dallas Stars. While this may result in a short-term solution, the Legislature must consider the long-term aspirations of the Islanders.The Islanders’ roster is threatened by veteran players on longer contracts than others. . Most importantly, the entire “Line of Identity” should reach free agents with the exception of Casey Cizikas. Whether it’s trading Cal Clutterbuck, Matt Martin or Oliver Wahlstrom, the Islanders need to start giving their younger Bridgeport players a chance in the NHL.Only Simon Holmstrom can be considered a “prospect” on the current roster. because he is still a 23-year-old developing striker. Ruslan Iskhakov is NHL-ready and deserves a promotion at the deadline, while William Dufour and Matthew Maggio are just starting to find consistency. While Iskhakov recruited those two players to Bridgeport, his best role for the Isles may be at left guard on the third line alongside Cizikas. Who can replace Cizikas as the Isles’ fourth line center in this situation?.

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